Heavy rain/thunderstorm risk for North Island from Sunday/Monday

Low pressure north of New Zealand is forecast to dip south from its position north of New Zealand on Sunday and into the early stages of next week bringing the risk of heavy rain, strong winds and thunderstorms to parts of the North Island.

As you can see, low pressure approaching the Upper North Island as high pressure buckles and moves south.

As you can see above, our Significant Weather Outlook is indicating heavy rain risks for the Upper North Island on Monday, but the risk widens to most of the North Island on Tuesday - see the latest Significant Weather Outlook HERE.

There is a risk of thunderstorms with this event as warm subtropical air feeds into the North Island from Sunday(Northland), through early next week.

Risk levels will be refined as we get closer to the event, so please keep checking back for updates.


⚡Severe Thunderstorm risk tonight/AM for Upper North Island +Video & Chart


Heavy rain/thunderstorm risk for North Island from Sunday/Monday